SCUR Code of Conduct

SCUR Code of Conduct: Guidelines for Safe and Responsible Riding Behavior

  1. Safety First: As members of Surigao City United Riders (SCUR), we prioritize safety above all else. We commit to adhering to all traffic laws, wearing proper safety gear, and maintaining our motorcycles in good working condition.

  2. Responsible Riding: We recognize our responsibility as ambassadors of the riding community. We pledge to ride responsibly, obey speed limits, and exercise caution at all times, ensuring the safety of ourselves, fellow riders, pedestrians, and other road users.

  3. Respect for Others: We value mutual respect and courtesy towards all individuals on the road. We shall treat other road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, with respect, patience, and consideration, promoting a harmonious and cooperative environment.

  4. Group Riding Etiquette: When riding in groups, we shall adhere to established group riding protocols and maintain proper formation. We communicate effectively, use signals, and follow designated lead and sweep riders to ensure cohesion and safety within the group.

  5. Sobriety: We firmly stand against riding under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any substances that impair judgment or motor skills. We commit to being sober and in optimal physical condition while operating our motorcycles.

  6. Environmental Stewardship: As riders, we appreciate the beauty of nature and the environment. We strive to minimize our ecological footprint by avoiding littering, respecting protected areas, and practicing responsible waste management during rides and events.

  7. Continuous Learning: We embrace a culture of lifelong learning and improvement. We encourage members to enhance their riding skills through regular training, attending safety workshops, and staying updated with the latest road safety guidelines.

  8. Community Engagement: SCUR is committed to making a positive impact in our community. We actively engage in initiatives that promote road safety, organize charity rides, and contribute to social causes that benefit the community.

  9. Conflict Resolution: In the event of disagreements or conflicts, we resolve them amicably, promoting open communication, understanding, and cooperation. We prioritize the unity and well-being of the SCUR community above individual differences.

  10. Upholding the Reputation: As members of SCUR, we understand that our behavior reflects on the entire riding community. We shall uphold a positive and responsible image, showing respect for our city, its residents, and fellow riders, both on and off the road.

By following these guidelines for safe and responsible riding behavior, we ensure the well-being of ourselves, our fellow riders, and our community, while upholding the values and principles of Surigao City United Riders.